BRANOholding: solutions based on system worldwide
The BRANO Holding GmbH & Co. KG was established in 2001 by way of a division of real property of BRANOpac Buscher KG, whose origins go back to the year 1875. BRANO Holding, a family-owned business based in Dietenhofen (Middle Franconia) has a 100% holding of the shares in the subsidiary companies BRANOfilter GmbH (Dietenhofen) and BRANOpac GmbH (Lich). These are again represented on a global scale with own shareholdings in production and marketing companies in China, France, India and the Czech Republic, as well as a shipping warehouse in USA. BRANOfilter GmbH is mainly active in the air filtration segment. The core business of BRANOPAC lies in solutions for temporary corrosion protection, but also in treated papers for the food industry and special technical papers. Further information on the individual companies can be obtained via the following links to the homepages: